Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Fridge Porn

I've never bought into the idea that the fridge is somehow a family hub and therefore should be part Internet of Shit. I don't even understand why families need a hub. Everyone in every family I know has at least one internet-connected device and is contactable at pretty much any time. Why should family members have to come home and stare at the fridge to find out that they should have bought milk while they were out?

And for that matter, what's wrong with bits of paper and magnets?

But that aside, here's a story of the inevitable.  Remember back in the 80s when electronics stores had things we called 'home computers' that we could play with?  Who didn't go in there and write something like:
20 GOTO 10
on every BBC Micro they had?

Nobody, that's who.

Here is the modern day equivalent. Someone drew dick pics on sticky notes on a fridge in a Home Depot shop and left porn streaming in a browser. Because of course they did, who wouldn't?
This was discovered when the organization’s head toured a visitor through the office, and wanted to show off a streaming feature on the Samsung fridge.

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